En. «Ouissem Moalla (born in Stockholm in 1990) works on the relationship between the collective imaginary and language. His artistic projects are based on the history of sensibilities and mentalities in a variety of spatial and temporal contexts. He questions psychological relationships to the environment, to materials, to forms, to time and more generally, to the various components of the living world.

His work parallels the performative act and ritualization of the production process through imaginary languages. He summons up the body, materials and movement in space using

heterogeneous components.»



22. mai 2017
" The weekends "Ateliers Ouverts 2017" are over, I thank the visitors for the rich exchanges and the interest for the different artistic approaches. For this event the studio has been redesigned as a showroom, presenting works by Raphael Bachir Osman, Six & Ouissem Moalla. Visits by appointment are still possible in the week of May 22-28. Contact me for more information. " " Les weekends ateliers ouverts sont terminés, je remercie les visiteurs pour les riches échanges et l’intérêt...
Performance : "BEHIND THE TEXT"
24. décembre 2016
Performance "BEHIND THE TEXT", at Exhibition "Bla Bla Bla" - 16/11/2016, Atelier BOURGOIS - Mulhouse, FRANCE.