En. «Ouissem Moalla (born in Stockholm in 1990) works on the relationship between the collective imaginary and language. His artistic projects are based on the history of sensibilities and mentalities in a variety of spatial and temporal contexts. He questions psychological relationships to the environment, to materials, to forms, to time and more generally, to the various components of the living world.

His work parallels the performative act and ritualization of the production process through imaginary languages. He summons up the body, materials and movement in space using

heterogeneous components.»


ARTICLES AVEC LE TAG : "contemporary"

Urban Sculpture proposition : Project 72°
01. septembre 2022
Video presentation of the project "72°". A kinetic sculpture entirely based on the 72° angle (division of the circle by 5).
06. mars 2019
Installation pour " l'Hotel Mamour " destiné à servir d'espace pour l'expression théâtrale.

09. août 2017
Radio emission on MNE with Bëërt Sanchez & Ouissem Moalla about the exhibition Konnexiones who take place actually at ATELIER MONDIAL Art Institut at Basel - Switzerland. Emission radio sur MNE avec Bëërt Sanchez et Ouissem Moalla à propos de l'exposition Konnexiones qui se déroule actuellement à l'Institut d'Art ATELIER MONDIAL à Basel - Swiss.
01. juin 2017
"Opus magnum", 100x100cm, Vortex, rope, cotton, 2017. Metaphysical Densification by Beert Sanchez & Ouissem Moalla. I present this first collaboration combining traditional weaving technique (Oaxca, Mexico), upcycling (Vortex-x) and neoplatonic ideology. More to come ...

Performance : "BEHIND THE TEXT"
24. décembre 2016
Performance "BEHIND THE TEXT", at Exhibition "Bla Bla Bla" - 16/11/2016, Atelier BOURGOIS - Mulhouse, FRANCE.
06. décembre 2016
Installation "CHILD GAME". At Exhibition "Jeux D'Enfants" - 28/10/2016 * MOTOCO -Mulhouse - FRANCE.

03. décembre 2016
Experimental video for the exhibition "JeUx D'eNfAnTs" at Motoco, 28 october 2016 -Mulhouse -France.
27. novembre 2016
" Un 20 De chute" piece from the performance "Behind the text" which continues right now at Atelier Bourgois - 19 rue des Trois Rois -Mulhouse - France. 4 grams of Fall 20 € signed and numbered 1/77.

08. novembre 2016
Hello ! Le 16 Novembre je présente une performance au vernissage de l'exposition "Bla Bla Bla" qui se tient à l'Atelier Bourgois - 19 rue de Trois Rois - Mulhouse. Venez nombreux & Partagez ! :) Hello ! On November 16 I present an artistic performance in the exhibition "Bla Bla Bla" taking place in Mulhouse - France, at Atelier Bourgois - 19 rue des Trois Rois. Join us & Share!

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